Oceans and Plastics


Due to an abundance of endemic flora and fauna, the Caribbean is one of the world’s ‘biodiversity hotspots’ (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, 2010). The Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region enjoys an exuberant natural wealth; with 16 percent of the planet’s land, this region is home to 40 percent of the world’s biological diversity. A bountiful region of the world.

These beautiful resources are at risk from pressures like plastic pollution and climate change. The industry of plastics is now the fifth largest generator of greenhouse gas emissions across the world. The Sea of Life plastic pollution series explores the history of plastics, current challenges, as well as our role in solutions and mindfulness of such a global threat.

What to expect: You will hear from science and policy experts, faith based and mindfulness practitioners, and community activists, about their insights and solutions. You will also be asked to explore your own role in reducing plastic pollution in our beautiful communities of land, sea and society through brief reflection assignments.